Sas Group d.o.o.

Stamp production / Visual communications / Advertising production

Oval/Triangular stamps

Unlike standard rectangular stamps oval and triangular stamps offer a unique and attractive look that can be used for specific designs or when you want your stamp to be distinctive and recognizable.

Oval stamps are often chosen for formal documents, certificates, or logos, while triangular stamps offer a modern and unconventional style that grabs attention.

Regardless of your choice, these shapes allow for customization to suit your needs and are perfect for those looking to highlight their brand or style.

  • COMPANY, AGENCY, BUSINESS – A copy of the registration decision from the court register
  • ASSOCIATION – A copy of the establishment decision; Association statute related to stamp creation
  • DOCTOR – A copy of the diploma/license
  • LAWYER – A copy of the Bar Association decision

Shiny O-3555 (55x35mm)

Shiny TRI – 45 (45x45x45mm)
